ATOMY Pure Spirulina 100% contains fiber and antioxidants that are needed to repair immune & damaged body cells.
- Normalize blood sugar in diabetics.
- Lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension.
- Source of nutrition for those who are on a healthy diet to be fit and slim, but still get adequate nutritional intake (consumed before breakfast).
- Source of fiber, vitamins & antioxidants for those who don’t eat vegetables.
- Highly recommended for people with ulcers / ulcers & gastritis. Due to its “alkaline” nature, it is able to neutralize excess stomach acid production.
- Help lower LDL cholesterol / bad cholesterol.
- Strong anti-cancer. Help cure Cancer / Cyst / Myoma. For cancer patients/ who are undergoing chemotherapy, Spirulina is highly recommended to be consumed regularly every day as a source of amino acids to regenerate damaged body cells & antioxidants to tame free radicals.
- For Vegetarians, Spirulina can be a source of protein & iron, replacing meat & eggs.
- Helps overcome anemia.
- Can be used as a face mask to treat acne, smooth and tighten the face.
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